We all struggle of course, and the Ks Milkmaid seems to send me emails right when they are needed that bless me. You know that bad commercial help I have fallen and I can't get up. Well sometimes we all feel this way. We just have to remember that this isn't so. We can get up, with God's help. Anyway here is the email I received and wanted to share with you due to the wonderful words of wisdom Chirstina had to share with me.
I fell down
The cursor blinks methodically as I drum my fingers on the desk. Patiently I wait for Outlook to download emails from my server. A few email messages trickle in, just a handful compared to the oodles of emails I used to receive a few months ago. Shutting down the Kansas Milkmaid blog slowed life down. I use the mouse to click and delete the junk mail. Who knows why I am receiving so much spam? It never happened before the attacks began. Nah..surely not….. One email catches my eye? The subject line reads “How are you?” An old blog reader wants to know. There are still a few who write and ask. I often wonder how to answer such a question. Each day carries its own intense struggles and triumphs. It is anybody’s guess whether it will be a good or bad day or a mixture of both. Then it dawned on me. Here is what I should say….
“I have fallen down. It is so hard to even speak.”
These two sentences capture the breadth of emotions I experience. Yes, I have fallen down heaving tears unable to speak due to terror and fear of what is going on in my life. What does my future hold? Will I have the strength to carry on? Will my enemies feast on my life like vultures pecking at decaying road kill? How will I provide for my six children? Will we have a home? Does the farm have a future? What is going to happen to me?
Falling down is not a bad thing. It is a requirement for being broken and contrite. You see, I believe we all fall down. We fall down before something. Many days I fall down before the god of fear and despair. It is not a good place to be. Laying flat before this tyrant giant can eat away a person’s sanity and strip one of peace.
Why should I fall down before the enemy in fear when there is another option? As a Christian I have the opportunity in the midst of trials to fall down before a great and glorious God. Yes, God’s beauty still shines in harrowing darkness.
Have you ever fallen before God? Have you ever been in His presence and been so in awe of Him that you can barely even speak? Why not stop drenching the bed in tears and drench my hope in Him?
Oh God, I am in a dark place. I hurt in ways that I didn’t think a woman could ever hurt. The attacks are strong and twisted. Yet, I fall down before you, Oh great and Glorious God. I will give you Glory. The enemy will not reduce my devotion to you. You are my God and I give my all to you. You are my God, the great I AM.
This article was inspired by the song “Give You the Glory” by Jeremy Camp
Join me in raising a thousand voices to lift God’s holy name. No matter how bad life gets, you can still choose to fall down before God rather than the enemy you face. Remember falling down before God dwarfs the enemy.
Udderly His,
The Kansas Milkmaid
We have raised a thousand voices
Just to lift Your holy name
And we will raise thousands more
To sing of Your beauty in this place
Well none can even fathom
No not one define Your worth
As we marvel in Your presence
To the ends of the earth.
We give You glory,
Lifting up our hands and singing holy,
You alone are worthy
We just want to touch Your heart, Lord, touch Your heart
Glory, lifting up our voice and singing holy,
You alone are worthy
We just want to touch Your heart, Lord, touch Your heart
As we fall down before You
With our willing hearts we seek
In the greatness of Your glory
It's so hard to even speak
There is nothing we can offer
No nothing can repay
So we give You all our praises
And lift our voice to sing
We give You glory,
Lifting up our hands and singing holy,
You alone are worthy
We just want to touch Your heart, Lord, touch Your heart
Glory, lifting up our voice and singing holy,
You alone are worthy
We just want to touch Your heart, Lord, touch Your heart
Our hope is drenched in You
Our faith has been renewed
We trust in Your every word
Nothing else can even measure up to You.
We give You glory,
Lifting up our hands and singing holy,
You alone are worthy
We just want to touch Your heart, Lord, touch Your heart
Glory, lifting up our voice and singing holy,
You alone are worthy
We just want to touch Your heart, Lord, touch Your heart