About Me

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Hi, I am me... I am a mom with a great sense of humor, a kind heart, a giving spirit, a desire to please, and enough strength to keep on going even when life knocks me down... I am me... : )

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Joy of the Season

Well it's now officially December and Christmas is coming, yeah!!!!! And todays weather shows winter alright. I so adore the Christmas season. I love to decorate the house and tree, I love to sing Christmas songs, I love the wrapping of present to give to others. I just love to be able to surprise people with a present. Due to circumstances this year most presents I will be giving to others will be homemade. But that okay.

My neices , who do not have internet so can't read this, LOL, will be getting journals and some homemade sugar scrub for Christmas. Some of the men folk in the family will be receiving baked goodies, I think most of them will be happy about that. They do tend to like to eat, LOL.

But anyway I want to try to find ways to bless people. I always enjoy it soooo much, and even though we are well not in the best of situations to say the least, LOL, we can always try to make things brighter for someone else. God has given us the joy and hope to be able to rise above our situation and be a blessing we just have to be willing to step out and do it.

I may have to bake some cookies today and then later the kiddos can have hot chocolate and cookies.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Stay warm

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