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Hi, I am me... I am a mom with a great sense of humor, a kind heart, a giving spirit, a desire to please, and enough strength to keep on going even when life knocks me down... I am me... : )

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Today SIGH....

I will not post any details of what happened today in court except to say that there has been a gross miscarriage of justice. I can say that probation was NOT the desired outcome of the proceedings. Please continue to pray for the Kansas Milkmaid, as now divorce proceedings will be going on. I suppose I should miss the frequent visits from Hillsboro, and others who visited frequently trolling for information on my blog. But you know what oh well. My biggest fans will be leaving me. I can live with that. LOL I only hope that now they can go on and do more meaningful things with their time. Perhaps sleeping as some of the visits showed up around 2:30 in the am!!!! So onward I go. I will post more tomorrow and share some of my ongoing projects.

Good Night

1 comment:

Aunt Jo said...

I'm sorry to hear justice wasn't served.

As for the 'fans', shame on them. I've never understood that type of behavior.

Please let the Kansas Milkmaid know she's in my prayers.