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Hi, I am me... I am a mom with a great sense of humor, a kind heart, a giving spirit, a desire to please, and enough strength to keep on going even when life knocks me down... I am me... : )

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Quick Sunday night note


I plan to do some more posting tomorrow some time. I decided to just post a note saying please remember to keep the Kansas MilkMaid in mind tomorrow, as the trial is scheduled to start then. The plan is for it to be over by Friday. Please pray for a quick and just end to this trial. I know the family is stressed. Also please pray for them as their electricity has been out for days, and they are losing income as they have been unable to milk as they needed as well as store the milk. They have been blessed with the use of a generator which does help operate some things, but not all. It is so bad here. Some people have their power back on. While others such as Christina and my parents who live out in the country seem to be the hardest hit as they need the power to get water to the livestock. My parents were told perhaps2 weeks. So this is not good.

Where ever you are I hope that you are warm and safe.

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