About Me

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Hi, I am me... I am a mom with a great sense of humor, a kind heart, a giving spirit, a desire to please, and enough strength to keep on going even when life knocks me down... I am me... : )

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am so irritated

Okay, I am actually okay, but I so miss my computer. I told someone the other day I could almost be Amish, we have no TV, no computer, and we had no running vehicle, LOL. So except electricity and phones, we were almost there. They said okay so then I guess you can make my some butter then, well they did not know that yup I could indeed so I said well yeah. They were kinda silent, LOL. It amazed them I guess that I can make butter, LOL. We are still hoping to have a computer soon. I guess other things just are more important such as saving to get the transmission fixed, sigh....

Someday I will blog with pictures again. I will I will, LOL. Hope everyone has a delightful week.

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